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The Neverland Sage Part V

Updated: Dec 31, 2023


Seeing that the wounded soldiers never woke up after drinking "salvation", it was realized that they were "double-crossed" by the children of damnation. However, there were some that viewed "salvation" as a way to end the torment in GOLDEN DAWN. Throughout the campaigns, the leaderless King's Army fought bravely. As village after village in the kingdom fall to the evil ANGELICS, they taunt the villagers as to the futility of fighting against them. Captured villagers are turned in slaves and as the song Heaven'sCalling says: "there is no reason for your soul to rest". The Captain of the King's Army along with God's Angels call out to GOD for help in this time of need. The Captain doesn't see any point of carrying on without his King. It all comes down to the last night of battle. The King's Bride as well as those surviving, feel all is hopeless. The Battle is lost as the FinalMoments arrive.

But not all is lost. Out of the ashes a hero emerges. It is a female warrior by the name of Batina Keimayo. The legend of her bravery is honored in the song BatinaKeimayo. She single handedly fights off a hoard of evil ANGELICS and races to protect a large group of villagers to safety. They end up becoming the soul survivors. In her final act of heroics, she cuts the rope of a bridge, stopping the evil ANGELIC hoard, however, sealing her fate as they all fall into a 300' ravine.

GOLDEN DAWN is no more. The survivors hide from demons. It is not known where they will rest their heads nor when they will have there next meal. Salvation starts to make sense to survivors who want to end the pain. In the song Salvation, time has past and GOLDEN DAWN is now a memory. Many drink of the salvation.

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