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The Neverland Saga Part VI

Updated: Dec 31, 2023


The human survivors of the ANGELIC WAR are divided. Since the war began - they have not been able to escape from what was GOLDEN DAWN. The portals were destroyed and all that is left is a decision to drink salvation. In the song TearsRain, the former Captain of the King's Army sees the sadness in the people, The tears raining from the sky are GOD'S tears, as he has not forgotten them. Disobedience has been played out and now it's GOD'S turn.

First, GOD restores the PNEVMA & PHYCHI of the King. The King appears to his Captain and restores his Military (Saxon) Code. The Captain become the new King and gathers the remnants of the soldiers to fight once more. GOD'S tears weaken all of the evil ANGELICS & BEASTS. This time GOD, the former Kings and the new King along with the remnant of soldiers, by sword, will send all of the children of damnation back to KOLASI where they will await GOD's final judgement.

Second, GOD transforms GOLDEN DAWN into PARADESOS. The old PARADESOS becomes the THRONOS of THEOS. Only GOD'S ANGELICS & BEASTS can worship there. GI & KOLASI remain the same, however a compartment had been added to KOLASI called the ABYSSOS. This is were the changeling DRAGON and her army of commanders are lock up for an eternity. NEVERLAND is no more. There is no more direct communing with GOD. Humans must now remain on GI, but GOD still communicates through dreams and visions. The children of damnation, now called demons, cannot leave KOLASI, however, they can infiltrate mankind's dreams thru PNEVMA.

Third. GOD judges mankind for his disobedience and sentences him to (1)work by the sweat of his brow, (2)to endure the pain of childbirth, and to (3)ultimately die a physical death. GOD allows mankind to reunited with Himself, but only by adhering to His LEXI, now known as the CODEX, written by His own hand. The demons, beast and ANGELICS are all confined to KOLASI. In the end, all creation awaits GOD'S final judgement.

But something is amiss. Some of the Commanders of the Beast's Army, known as the Watchers, have alluded capture and imprisonment in the ABYSSOS and somehow opened a secret portal and have travelled to GI. And they have there eyes set on the daughters of men.

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