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The Neverland Saga - Part IV

Updated: Dec 31, 2023


As the battle for GOLDEN DAWN intensifies - The King of Man can see the confusion brought on by his disappearance and subsequent death on GI. Confusion and dissentions are stirring amongst his troops. They don't know what to do. They don't understand what's going on. Trying to help his troops, the King finds that in NEVERLAND he has the ability to talk directly to GOD, He asks GOD to allow him to be a warning to his troops for the disobedience that he has shown by leaving GOLDEN DAWN. He then asks GOD if he can go back in time as a warning for those fighting in GOLDEN DAWN, as a dream to the dreamer in NEVERLAND. GOD grants his request. Future fighters are warned, but not all listen.

The Dragon returns to GOLDEN DAWN to burn cities, villages, castles - all strongholds for GOD. The Dragon's secret is out - but not fully revealed. But it's pride and arrogance shows. Battle lines are being drawn. The Beast and fallen ANGELICS aligned against GOD, battle the remnant of GOD's Angels. The ANGELIC WAR have begun. GOLDEN DAWN resembles what could be visualized as "Middle Earth". Green mountainous landscapes, beautiful countryside with small villages and castles. In the song BattleCry, mankind calls the fallen angels "children of damnation" - as they continue to burn villages down to the core,

The final deception emerges. A lie of the dragon is called "salvation". It is a potion poured into a pewter cup with a "V" symbol on it. Used on the battlefield to help ease the pain of wounded soldiers, it has a more sinister effect. Once ingested, it immediately sends the human PNEVMA & PHYCHI to KOLASI - or so they believed. The cup was given to mankind as a gesture of good faith from the children of damnation - that the war is with GOD, not you. Although salvation originally did perform as promised - the formula changed after the war started. Now salvation suited the Dragon's hidden agenda to kill all of mankind. As a result of this deception, GOLDEN DAWN was loosing it's fighters!

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