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The Neverland Saga - Part III

Updated: Dec 31, 2023


The Dragon was aware that mankind would come to GOD's defense when certain of the ANGELICS, taking sides with the Dragon, would rebel and attack GOD in GOLDEN DAWN. The Dragon figured that it was more of an even fight against the other ANGELICS if mankind were out of the way. This is behind the idea of why the Dragon became a woman. Growing up as a human girl, no one would suspect her to be the Dragon. Her plan was to seduce the King of Man, put him into her control, eventually killing him and then killing all of mankind. In the killing of mankind, another part of her diabolic scheme comes to light. As a young girl, she developed a potion called "salvation", which was a sedative that could induce dreams and travel to NEVERLAND. In reality, it was a deadly poison. With this combination, she could immobilize and wipe=out the King's Army and other human inhabitants of GOLDEN DAWN.

War had already broken out in GOLDEN DAWN. The Dragon had succeeded in convincing more than a third of the ANGELICS to follow him. Any of the ANGELICS that refused were over-powered and imprisoned in KOLASI. It wasn't immediately understood what the Dragon and his ANGELICS were up to, since their moves were unprecedented. The Angelic weapons have a short-term effect of freezing or paralyzing its victims, which could then be easily moved and imprisoned. As the war escalates - the attack become focus on mankind. Beasts and dragons start destroying and burning villages occupied by mankind. The King of Man, along with the King's Army, go to battle.

The King of Man overlooks a scene of chaos and destruction of the beautiful land of GOLDEN DAWN. As in the title Song Neverland, the light of GOD has grown dim. It is cold, walking through forests, Smoke and ash fill the skies and roving bands of beasts, in the form of wolves, are hunting people down. The King of Man is comforted by the thoughts of NEVERLAND. In NEVERLAND he could, like the ANGELICS, take wing and fly. But not tonight, he can only see his fate. The wolves speak and reveal his fears. They seek to kill him. It seems that even the elements are turning against him - the winds play tricks on his mind. They whisper his fears - great and small. And yet he's still comforted by the thought of NEVERLAND.

During the end of a battle that secures one of the villages, the King of Man catches a glimpse of a young woman. He approaches her and is immediately taken by her beauty and charm. As they speak, he is overwhelmed by the physical attraction that he has for her. He is fooled to believe that the feeling is mutual. Now - one thing to know about GOLDEN DAWN not previously mentioned. There is a rule of abstinence that pertains to any acts of procreation in GOLDEN DAWN. It is simply banned and punished by banishment from the realm. Some of the Beasts and ANGELICS have learned to mimic mankind's behaviors and practiced them in GOLDEN DAWN - thus causing the rule.

As the deception takes hold, the young woman suggests that they return to GI and escape to NEVERLAND and to a place where no one can find them. She sings "come and turn the lights out, I want to believe it". in the song ForbiddenLove. She is successful in luring the King of Man to NEVERLAND. The King discovers that he has been deceived. In the song TheBeast, the King of Man can see his sleeping body and proclaims "how can you sleep?" after the truth of who this woman is has been revealed. The song also talks about the torture his soul endures, being held captive in a dream. He wishes he could wake-up. Ultimately, there is no hope for his escape.

In the song SecretPt.2, the viewer is taken back to a time when the young woman reveals that she will never give up her secret (which has already been revealed to the viewer). This reflection is in stark contrast to the reality that has just played out. The Dragon's plan is almost complete..

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