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ComingAge is the First Album Released by 100 Seconds To Midnight

TM Brown Jr

Nov 24, 2022

ComingAge is the First Album released by 100 Seconds To Midnight in November of 2022.

The album contains 13 songs - 10 of which are instrumentals. Total runtime is just under 62 minutes. A debut album (rather than a concept album), ComingAge features 8 songs that explore the best and worst sides of humanity, 3 songs with celestial themes, the score "Kulning" and the danceable Country/Space Rock tune "CountrySong".

The album features top picks "SpaceNight" - imagining Astral Projection and Afterlife, "Mars" - a view of human triumphs and future Space Exploration, "HumanRace" - a grim view of human fate, and "MindControl" - utilizing 1950's archival nuclear propaganda video that makes you go wtf? "Problems" is a look at overcoming physical/emotional obstacles and "SoulRain" is about the 5 stages of grief.

Your questions and comments about The Project is much apprieciated. Please contact us with the information provided on this website. Thank you.

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