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100 Seconds To Midnight (100stm) was founded in 2022 by Independent Artist/Electronic Musician TM Brown Jr. and gets its name from  the doomsday clock setting of that same year by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. Initially starting with instrumental compositions and environmental themes, 100stm moved to a more Mainstream/Adult Alternative direction by the third album. The music consists of an eclectic variety of genres such as; Retro, Pop, Rock, EDM, R&B, Rap/Hip-Hop, Jazz, Blues, Country, Folk & World Music.  I don't really want too definitive, I'll let you figure it out for yourself.


​Seeking world domination and an end to nuclear proliferation, 100stm will not stop doing what it does until the (inclusive language inserted here) lady sings.  Ah fuck it, you know what I mean.


Want to know more?  Send me a message at the bottom of the page.  Thanks!





October 2022

Tracks Included:

1.  Mars 4:32

2.  SpaceNight 4:24

3  Time2Heal 4:08

4.  Tera'sSong 5:12

5.  NoShelter 4:10

6.  Intervention 5:40

7.  Kulning 4:15

8. HumanRace 4:33

9.  SoulRain 5:27

10. BeautifulDay 5:18

11. FuturePast 4:59

12. TheBulletin 4:16



November 2022

Tracks Included:

1.  Wonderland 6:11

2.  Secret 5:47

3.  Aftermath 6:35

4.  LuvBomb 4:08

5.  MindControl 4:22

6.  Bombada 5:57

7.  Almakhadie 3:47

8.  FinalHour 3:44

9.  Harbinger 5:06

10. XFiles 4:32

11.  VariDeep 4:56

12.  DreamWithin(ADream) 4:57



December 2022

Tracks Included:

1. JourneyHome 5:26

2.  (Back)InTime 3:39

3.  CountrySong 4:38

4.  Home2You 6:47

5.  Fire 4:46

6.  Come(On)Home 4:10

7.  SoClear 4:33

8.  RememberTokyo 4:29

9.  Road 5:12

10. NewLife 3:32

11. MyHeart(Belongs2U) 3:47

12. StartAgain 4:19



January 2023

Tracks Included:

1.  Escape 3:04

2.  GhostOfU 3:42

3.  SoAlive 3:46

4.  Ashamed 4:09

5.  Problems 4:25

6.  LastGoodbye 2:57

7.  Rewind 4:54

8.  TheseWalls 5:07

9.  WithU 4:48

10. HeavyWeight 4:20

11. FindU 4:51

12. TimeFlys 3:28



February 2023

Tracks Included:

1.  Neverland(Intro) 2:26

2.  Neverland 3:35

3.  Secret2 4:29

4.  ForbiddenLove 5:11

5.  TheDragon 4:13

6.  End(Of)Days 3:31

7.  BattleCry 4:29

8.  Run 5:34

9.  Heaven'sCalling 3:56

10. FinalMoments 4:40

11. Salvation 4:29

12. TearsRain 4:09



March 2023

Tracks Included:

1.  Mr.Right 4:33

2.  PowerfulSound 3:36

3.  (In)ThisWorld 4:44

4.  NeverStop 4:44

5.  TheBeach 3:22

6.  Tschicka 4:16

7.  Dance(WithMe) 7:43

8.  Sunshine 5:07 

9.  Killer 5:07

10. ThePlace 5:40

11. (Listen2)TheMelody 5:08

12 DancingOn(MyOwn) 4:00



May 2023

Tracks Included:

1.  Something2Believe 4:28

2.  KeepPrayin 5:04

3.  (DanceIn)TheSun 3:37

4.  1MoreTime 3:24

5.  Comfortable 3:53

6.  BoneUBrake 3:56

7.  SweetestTemptation 4:12

8.  CrazyThings 4:38

9.  LoveAgain 3:31

10. FindingLove 3:08

11. SpringFever 3:36

12. LoveYa 4:05



June 2023

Tracks Included:

1.  (Where)IBegan 4:11

2.  ListenBleed 5:29

3.  (Rock)MyLife 3:55

4.  WithoutU 3:21

5.  SoulMate 3:00

6.  NewWorld 4:04

7.  (PurpleCandy)Heart2Heart

8.  Ridin'High 2:43

9.  ShowMe(Love) 3:29

10. IBelong(2U) 4:40

11. TimeBomb 3:10

12. (Until)TheEnd 4:19



July 2023

Tracks Included:

1.  ShadowPlay 3:29

2.  KeepBurnin 3:26

3.  ShareThisDream 3:49

4.  SuperGirl 5:12

5.  (It)Wasn'tMe 4:52

6.  LongTime 4:21

7.  Rain(Of)Love 3:44

8.  Eye2I 2:43

9.  Freak 3:28

10. Destruction 4:25

11. WastedGeneration 4:35

12. Wheels 7:00



August 2023

Tracks Included:

1.  Planet(Called)Love 3:46

2.  TimerMachine 3:30

3.  Supernatural 3:38

4.  GoWithU 4:05

5. (WeCan)Fly 4:12

6.  Reconnaissance 3:40

7.  (FlowersIn)TheSky 3:22

8.  Flowting 4:33

9.  OohNaNa 4:20

10. PlanetLove2 4:48

11. TakeControl 2:48

12. TheSea 5:30



October 2023

Tracks Included:

1.  (InThe)NightTime 3:54

2.  L'espoir 3:05

3.  Antedote 3:42

4.  (OneIn)AMillion 3:14

5.  Lost 3:18

6.  Miracle 3:46

7.  ForbiddenLove2 4:52

8.  Levitate 3:47

9.  AreUHappy 4:04

10. ShiningThru(TheNight) 4:12

11. TogetherForever 3:36

12. SoulRewind 3:01



October 2023

Tracks Included:

1.  (TakeMe2)AnotherPlace 2:56

2.  Let'sRide 4:41

3.  KissU 3:05

4.  Bounce 3:16

5.  MoneyCold 4:41

6.  CandyLove 3:54

7.  2Hot 3:53

8. (Put'Em)Down 5:12

9. Higher&Higher 2:49

10. Greenback 3:48

11. Never 3:14

12. FreshenUp 2:44



November 2023

Tracks Included:

1.  (SomewhereBy)TheRiver 3:45

2.  End(Of)Night 5:41

3.  GoWith(TheFlow) 4:39

4.  BedWithU 5:13

5.  Coke&Spagetti 3:38

6.  Waves 5:13

7.  AllDay 4:31

8. Seasons 5:20

9. (TimeOn)OurSide

10. Solito 4:37

11. Here4U 4:37

12. Waves 5:13



December 2023

Tracks Included:

1.  Home4Christmas 3:50

2.  (WhenThe)SnowFalls 5:34

3.  ShineBright 3:27

4.  JingleBells 3:26

5.  It'sChristmas(WhereverUR) 3:39

6.  OhDuFroehliche 2:24

7.  Mr.Grinch 3:30

8. Snow 5:58



March 2024

Tracks Included:

1.  CaminoOscuro 4:28

2.  OldPatterns 7:15

3.  U&Me 7:09

4.  Addition 6:24

5.  DiscoKid 3:58

6.  TheEnemy 4:16

7.  Aftermath2 4:03

8. Die4U 2:23

9. Faster 3:28

10. OYeah 4:07

11. FallingStars 5:24

12. ReasonsUndisclosed(Rewind2) 5:32



April 2024

Tracks Included:

1.  AllAboutU 2:54

2.  NoTomorrow 2:54

3.  NotBScared 3:30

4.  SoulfulNight 3:54

5.  Fallin'Down 4:33









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